Kategoria(t): Art journal, Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania, Kortit, Kurssi, Miss Hertta, Naalbinding/Nalbinding/Nålbindning, Swapit, Xmas Card Swap

Rewind the Rest of the Year 2019

The boss Hertta, the Duchess of Soukkajoki. Follows me every where. / Mun pomo, Soukanjoen Herttuatar, Hertta. Aina mukana.

In the summer I organised my papers. I had cph-attacks and had to stay inside quite a while. / Kesällä paperikaapin järjestelyä, mistä seurasi cph-kohtaukset ja jouduin olemaan sisällä aika kauan.

Managed to go to my little yard to see the flowers.

Started new medicine and it worked like a miracle. But you have to be extra careful, no hard work. I wasn´t. I went to my garden and cut all the old lilacs. It took two beautiful sunny days. I was happy. Oh, the soil on my hands! The sun on my face! On the next morning killing headache. I was happy. I remembered the smell of the soil.

Aloitin uuden lääkehoidon, mikä yllättäen tehosi, jos muistaa olla todella varovainen, ei saisi hosua hikipäässä yhtään. Tietysti kokeilin puutarhahommia. Leikkelin vanhoja syreenipensaita pari päivää osin auringossakin. Aivan ihanaa! Kunnes sitten tulin kipeäksi. Mutta ei se haitannut, koska sain tehdä jotain sellaista, mistä olin vain haaveillut.

Ice on the head and cold, wet towel on my shoulders helps headaches. Of course I have to be inside and cover my extra sensitive eyes. And do nothing. Nothing.

Päässä jääkääre ja kylmä, märkä pyyheliina hartioilla auttoivat hellepäivinä, ja tietysti aurinkolasit sisälläkin hämärässä. Silmäni ovat erittäin arat. Sitten vain piti olla tekemättä yhtään mitään.

So I sat down and started make these labels with punch board.

Istuskelin askarteluhuoneessa ja vähitellen tein lappuja purkkien kylkiin kiinnitettäväksi.

Now I find my embellishments.

Pieni lokerikko sai myös laput.

The next project was to scarve needle from a wood. I began to make a naalbinded (other names used: nalbinding or nålbindning) rug with the plastic scor-tool, it was my first time to try naalbinding. After I found naalbinding addictive and not giving me headaches, I started scarving wooden needles. I made small rug. Now waiting for summer that I can go out to prepare more material for my rugs.

Keksin nålbidningin – en tiedä mitä on suomeksi – keskiaikainen tapa tehdä puuneulalla mm. mattoja, villasukkia yms. Ensin kokeilin neulata muovisella taittoluulla. Kun homma onnistui, veistelin puuneuloja ja tein tuon pienen maton. Neulatekniikka on siitä hyvä, että siitä ei tule pää kipeäksi.

Some cards and art journal-pages I made.

Winter Wishes-card participated to a Xmas Card Swapp. The little bird is just like my little birds here in my yard – bullfinch. I wish it makes the receiver happy. Just a little bird to bring joy and happiness.

One day received this beautiful envelope.

With this card♥ This is the most beautiful Christmas card I received. Vielen schöne Danke fur Marika K♥

Started empty these boxes of books – a lot of books. BANG – cph-attacks. I felt so guilty being sick in December. My dear family said all the time to stop worrying and being guilty. So this Kasia´s Advent Calendar came for need! It was relaxing and fun to make. My Christmas savior, indeed.

I could make one page for days, but I decided to make one page in a 10-15 min. And I wanted to complete it on December. Made it!!

Kasia is an artist and very good art teacher. I like her style a lot! She is so full of inspiration and light. She and her husband runs this Everything Art where you can find art courses – some of them are free, like this Advent Calendar. I highly recommend all art courses in Everything Art.